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How to Choose the Right Teeth Whitening Strips: PAP vs. Peroxides

When it comes to teeth whitening products, especially whitening strips, you might have noticed that some use PAP (Phthalimidoperoxycaproic acid) while others rely on peroxides. Understanding the difference between these two can help you make a more informed decision for your dental health.

1. What are Peroxides?

Peroxides, such as hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, are commonly used in teeth whitening products. They work by releasing highly reactive oxygen molecules known as reactive oxygen species (ROS), which penetrate the enamel and break down the molecules that cause tooth discoloration.

However, while effective, this process can also release free radicals, potentially leading to oral health issues. Excessive free radicals can disrupt the balance in your mouth, leading to side effects such as gum irritation, tooth sensitivity, and damage to the enamel.

Due to these risks, the European Council has limited the concentration of peroxides in over-the-counter whitening products to 6% unless prescribed by a dentist. Therefore, peroxide-based products are generally not recommended for individuals with sensitive teeth or those with gum problems.

2. Why is PAP Gaining Popularity?

PAP (Phthalimidoperoxycaproic acid) is a newer ingredient in the teeth whitening world, known for being both effective and gentle. Unlike peroxides, PAP whitens teeth without generating ROS or free radicals, meaning it causes less irritation and is safer for your oral health.

Here’s a comparison of the two:

  • Effect on Enamel: Peroxide can damage enamel, leading to a temporary rebound effect where teeth may re-stain after the whitening process due to remineralization attempts by saliva. In contrast, PAP does not damage the enamel, helping to maintain the whiteness without this rebound effect.
  • Sensitivity: Peroxide-based products can cause tooth sensitivity and gum irritation due to their corrosive nature. PAP, however, is much milder, reducing the likelihood of sensitivity and irritation.

Given these differences, PAP-based products are often recommended for individuals looking for a safe and effective way to whiten their teeth without the side effects associated with peroxides.

3. Which One Should You Choose?

When choosing teeth whitening products, always check the active ingredients. For safer, long-term whitening without the risk of sensitivity, PAP-based whitening strips are the better choice. However, if you're seeking quicker results and are willing to risk potential sensitivity, peroxide-based products may be considered, though they are less recommended.


Choosing the right teeth whitening strips involves understanding the active ingredients and their effects. PAP offers a safer alternative with effective results, especially for those with sensitive teeth or concerns about enamel health. Always consider your dental needs and consult with a dental professional if you're unsure which product is right for you.

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